Every child has a voice.

Help that child's voice be heard.

Courtย Appointedย Specialย Advocates

Children are often theย only people absent from court proceedings that directly impact them. CASA is the only court advocacy program speaking up for these children in Fauquier, Prince William, Rappahannock, and Warren Counties, and the cites of Manassas and Manassas Park. We stand in the gap to give a child a voice and promote their best interests in court.

Court Appointed Special Advocateย (CASA)ย Childrenโ€™s Intervention Services (CIS)ย is a nonprofit organization advocating for child victims living in Fauquier, Prince William, Rappahannock, and Warren Counties and the cities of Manassas and Manassas Park. By advocating for abused and neglected children, our volunteers (called CASAs) give children a voice and a chance for a better life.

CASA by the Numbers - Fiscal Year 2024


Volunteer hours logged


Children's cases closed


CASA reports filed with the court


Court hearings


Miles driven


Active volunteers


VOCA services entered


Children served

We are grateful for the generosity and support of our featured sponsors:

Bennett, Atkinson & Associates
bion inc. logo
compton duling logo
Dominion Energy
loveless porter logo
pitkins ace logo
potomac health foundation logo
ken and sharree ryder logo
Savant Wealth Management
wind river logo